The Royal College of Physicians examinations are a three part series of exams that NHS docto...
15 Minutes
Complete Video Guide to MRCP for IMGs -
7 Minutes
Video Guide to Doctors' Job Titles in the NHSOne of the best thing about the NHS is that there are several career paths available to dome...
12 Minutes
The Complete Video Guide to NHS Doctor Pay ScalesNHS pay scales can be confusing, particularly with several different grades to consider. Eac...
15 Minutes
Proven NHS Medical CV Template - WalkthroughCreating the perfect medical CV is vital to a successful NHS job application. Luckily we'...
17 Minutes
How do I pass my NHS interview first time? | NHS interview question and answers!Hi guys and welcome to today's episode of the vlog series. Today we're going to talk to you...
2 Minutes
Blackpool Teaching Hospitals in Collaboration with BDI ResourcingWhen international medical graduates first look at moving to the UK, they usually focus on ...